The revolutionary long-range attractant that brings the big bucks out and keeps deer on your property! If you want to shoot a big buck, you need to get it onto your property. In this era of food plots and property management, deer will choose to go to the setup that’s best. BB2™ is your secret weapon. Its powerful aroma, the result of a proprietary refining process, draws deer from farther away. But BB2™ is not just an attractant. In fact, it has a TDN (total digestible nutrition) level that is higher than virtually all premium feeds and has a high level of protein. This brings the big bucks out and keeps deer coming back all season long. During pre-season, use BB2™ to establish travel patterns and acclimate deer to your property. By middle to late summer, use BB2™ to attract deer to your camera sites to inventory your bucks. In season, use BB2™ to bring the big bucks out during shooting hours and to keep all deer on your property.


If you want to shoot a big buck, you need to get it onto your property. In this era of food plots and property management, deer will choose to go to the setup that’s best. BB2 is your secret weapon. Its powerful aroma, the result of a proprietary refining process, draws deer from farther away. But BB2 is not just an attractant. In fact, it has a TDN (total digestible nutrition) level that is higher than virtually all premium feeds. And a high level of protein. This brings the big bucks out and keeps deer coming back all season long. During pre-season, use BB2 to establish travel patterns and acclimate deer to your property. By middle to late summer, use BB2 to attract deer to your camera sites to inventory your bucks. In season, use BB2 to bring the big bucks out during shooting hours and to keep all deer on your property.
- An intense, natural aroma created through a proprietary refining process
- Exceptionally high TDN
- Protein-based formula promotes antler growth
- Keeps deer on your property during the season and all year long
- Available in three sizes: 40lb, 20lb and 6lb bags

If you want to shoot a big buck, you need to get it onto your property. In this era of food plots and property management, deer will choose to go to the setup that’s best. BB2 is your secret weapon. Its powerful aroma, the result of a proprietary refining process, draws deer from farther away. But BB2 is not just an attractant. In fact, it has a TDN (total digestible nutrition) level that is higher than virtually all premium feeds. And a high level of protein. This brings the big bucks out and keeps deer coming back all season long. During pre-season, use BB2 to establish travel patterns and acclimate deer to your property. By middle to late summer, use BB2 to attract deer to your camera sites to inventory your bucks. In season, use BB2 to bring the big bucks out during shooting hours and to keep all deer on your property.
- An intense, natural aroma created through a proprietary refining process
- Exceptionally high TDN
- Protein-based formula promotes antler growth
- Keeps deer on your property during the season and all year long
- Available in three sizes: 40lb, 20lb and 6lb bags

If you want to shoot a big buck, you need to get it onto your property. In this era of food plots and property management, deer will choose to go to the setup that’s best. BB2 is your secret weapon. Its powerful aroma, the result of a proprietary refining process, draws deer from farther away. But BB2 is not just an attractant. In fact, it has a TDN (total digestible nutrition) level that is higher than virtually all premium feeds. And a high level of protein. This brings the big bucks out and keeps deer coming back all season long. During pre-season, use BB2 to establish travel patterns and acclimate deer to your property. By middle to late summer, use BB2 to attract deer to your camera sites to inventory your bucks. In season, use BB2 to bring the big bucks out during shooting hours and to keep all deer on your property.
- An intense, natural aroma created through a proprietary refining process
- Exceptionally high TDN
- Protein-based formula promotes antler growth
- Keeps deer on your property during the season and all year long
- Available in three sizes: 40lb, 20lb and 6lb bags

The Cube, essentially a compressed form of BB2, offers more protein and less salt than any other consumption block. It’s designed to last longer in the field and is perfectly suited for:
- Hard-to-reach spots – if your stand is too remote to replenish with BB2 regularly, the Cube is the perfect answer. Like BB2, it will attract deer from far and wide while providing the nutrients and protein that deer desire.
- Hunting mature bucks – minimizing activity is crucial when hunting mature whitetail bucks. Because the Cube lasts longer, it will help you limit the amount of movement in the area, yet makes sure the buck has a reason to keep coming back.
- Long-distance hunting – some of us don’t live where we hunt, so we can’t check our BB2 sites like those who do. The Cube is perfect for this situation since it ensures your deer always have a reason to return.
- A longer-lasting form of BB2 with BIG&J’s intense, “Get Noticed” aroma
- Ideal for the hard-to-reach spots, for hunting big bucks and for non-resident hunters
- Contains the nutrients deer crave and the protein deer need; more protein and less salt than any other consumption block
- Available in 25lb attractant blocks

Super charge the feed site with the attractant power of BB2 liquid. Pour it on the ground or blend in with other feeds to give the area the attracting aroma and taste that Big and J is known for. Unlike other liquid attractants that are flavored sugar water, BB2 liquid offers some nutritional value with a protein content of 8% and fat content of 2%. In addition, BB2 liquid provides salt that deer love and calcium and phosphorus they need to promote bone growth.
- Intense aroma attracts deer from far and wide
- Pour on ground or stump near stand to attract deer right away
- Specially formulated nutrients that deer crave
- Protein-based formula promotes antler growth